Anidorks: An Animorphs Podcast!!
Is Rachel stupidly brave or lovably impulsive? Are Taxxons unambiguously evil or just another victim of the anti-swarm agenda? Is a cockroach morph ever just a cockroach morph? Read along with three friends as they go through the series and try to answer the Animorphs’ toughest questions.
Anidorks: An Animorphs Podcast!!
What We Talk About When We Talk About Taxxon Hunger (Andalite Chronicles)
Elfangor and Arbron take flight in a Skrit Na ship! That leads to a fun podracing interlude, but also things get a bit heavy. Is Elfangor so prejudiced against Taxxons that he no longer recognizes his friend Arbron? What does Taxxon hunger tell us about KA Applegate’s hatred of swarms? Does history contain all of the secrets we seek, or is that just the Ellimist?
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