Anidorks: An Animorphs Podcast!!
Is Rachel stupidly brave or lovably impulsive? Are Taxxons unambiguously evil or just another victim of the anti-swarm agenda? Is a cockroach morph ever just a cockroach morph? Read along with three friends as they go through the series and try to answer the Animorphs’ toughest questions.
Anidorks: An Animorphs Podcast!!
War Daddy Alloran (Andalite Chronicles)
In which Elfangor learns a little bit too much about Team Andalite and our favorite Visser finally becomes himself. Is Chapman to the Yeerks what Arbron is to the Living Hive? Do these book think Alloran is one bad egg or that the entire Andalite system is the problem? And why is Sub-Visser 7 finally infesting Alloran so goddamn satisfying?
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