Anidorks: An Animorphs Podcast!!
Is Rachel stupidly brave or lovably impulsive? Are Taxxons unambiguously evil or just another victim of the anti-swarm agenda? Is a cockroach morph ever just a cockroach morph? Read along with three friends as they go through the series and try to answer the Animorphs’ toughest questions.
Anidorks: An Animorphs Podcast!!
Goth Incel Shock Collar (Book 13)
We kick off our third season by finally returning to our beloved morph-capable children with Book 13. Is Tobias our new favorite child? (Don’t tell the others!!) Does anything feel more queer in this series than Tobias having to watch from the sidelines as his friends experience the childhood that he's missing out on? And how many people can we piss off by claiming that Book 13 is a contemporary retelling of Macbeth?
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