Anidorks: An Animorphs Podcast!!
Is Rachel stupidly brave or lovably impulsive? Are Taxxons unambiguously evil or just another victim of the anti-swarm agenda? Is a cockroach morph ever just a cockroach morph? Read along with three friends as they go through the series and try to answer the Animorphs’ toughest questions.
Anidorks: An Animorphs Podcast!!
Marco, My Son, My Little Macaroon (Book 15)
Book 15 concludes with a standoff between Vissers 1 and 3, Marco finally revealing the truth about his mom to the rest of the Animorphs, and the question of whether Marco will remain a prisoner of hope. What do you mean this is a book for children?!
Why does this book feel like it has the emotional weight of a main series book, but the self-containment of a bubble episode? Rachel is mad at Marco for not killing Visser 1 when he had the chance, but doesn't she miss an opportunity to do the same with Visser 3 in the same book? Did Jake secretly force Marco's hand on revealing the secret of his mother's identity to the others? Does having a Yeerk inside of your head make you hotter? Is it ever funny to ask your friends not to kill your mom? And will Marco
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