Anidorks: An Animorphs Podcast!!
Is Rachel stupidly brave or lovably impulsive? Are Taxxons unambiguously evil or just another victim of the anti-swarm agenda? Is a cockroach morph ever just a cockroach morph? Read along with three friends as they go through the series and try to answer the Animorphs’ toughest questions.
Anidorks: An Animorphs Podcast!!
Gump It Up (Book 16)
Book 16 ends with Joe Bob Fenestre revealing that he’s been slurping Yeerk. Jake’s mother shares that she is in possession of two weapons, though unfortunately neither of them is a broad sword.
Are we the only ones who find the ending of this book to be incredible, but the beginning and middle to be a bit forgettable? How disappointed was Jake to learn that his mom’s secret “weapons” were figurative? Is Gump doomed to die trying to pet a wolf now that Cassie approached him as one? Is a plunger or a thick boba straw more useful for getting a Yeerk out of a brain?
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