Anidorks: An Animorphs Podcast!!

Deepfake Jake (Book 18)

The Anidorks

Sometimes you have to close a door to open a window, yes, but sometimes you have to open a window to Hulk-smash out of another. The Animorphs morph into mosquitoes and develop a lust for blood. The kids go to Z-space. 

Is it rude  to ask an Andalite to lift their hoof to reveal what exactly is going on down there? Does Eddy know how to say the word “irreparably”? (Answer: no!!!) Do any of the Anidorks know how to say “Carnegie”? (Our working theory: the pronunciation is a PA thing!) What the hell is the Animorphs’ plan for absorbing the blood after they’ve consumed it as mosquitoes? Are they going to squash each other? 

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